Animal core resources consist of the UW O’Brien Center’s Rodent Urinary Function Testing (RUFT) Core, the UW Small Animal Imaging and Radiotherapy Facility (SAIRF), and the UW Cardiovascular Physiology Core.
- The RUFT provides expertise, laboratory space, vivarium, and equipment for complete mouse urinary function testing.
- The SAIRF provides innovative, state-of-the-art, affordable, noninvasive, high-resolution, in-vivo and ex-vivo imaging and radiotherapy services with both full-service and self-service equipment.
- The UW Cardiovascular Physiology Core provides a central resource of knowledge, skills, personnel, and equipment that allows investigators access to techniques to facility research. Urology-related services include ultrasound of mouse lower urinary tracts, lower urinary velocity volume measurements, and quantification of lower urinary tract metrics.